Selecting the Pulse Secure icon, will allow you to turn Pulse off or on, open the Pulse window, connect, discconnect, cancel, suspend, resume, or extend your VPN session. Mac: Once connected, Junos Pulse will appear in your menu bar. Selecting the Pulse Secure icon, will allow you to turn Pulse off or on, open the Pulse window, connect, discconnect, cancel, suspend, resume, or extend your VPN session.

Windows: Once connected, Junos Pulse will appear in your task tray.Optional: You may save your settings to expedite the login process in the future. You will be prompted to enter your NetID and password.Optional: You may save your settings to expedite the login process in the future. Unless otherwise specified, select Users as your realm and click Connect. Give the connection a name, such as "UTK VPN" and enter the server name:.Select the plus to add a new connection.Once installed, launch Pulse Secure/Junos Pulse.

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